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Photos from The home of Cllr Darren Byford - Horbury & South Ossett - Ward 8's post

Ossett News

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Did you know that there was a film crew recording in Horbury on Friday morning? The crew were spotted by Michael from the DIY store on Queen Street.

After a little research, it appears that Jane McDonald is creating a new tv series about interesting places across Yorkshire. A few weeks ago, she was at the National Mining Museum and now spotted in Horbury. If I find out any more details, I will let you know.

Whilst on the theme of tv programmes, did anyone see the BBC 1 series ‘Who do you think you are’ with Josh Widdecombe? Well, it appears that his family were connected to the man who wrote ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ – Sabine Baring-Gould, a curate who lived in Horbury Bridge around the 1860’s.

On Monday evening I was able to speak directly with the Deputy Mayor of West Yorkshire – Alison Lowe. Alison’s role is to act as the Police & Crime Commissioner for the whole of West Yorkshire.

We spoke at length about Policing issues across the whole of the Wakefield District and how this has impacted on the communities of Horbury & South Ossett. Especially in relation to anti-social behaviour and traffic issues, namely speeding and parking problems.

I can assure you, I was very direct with the issues and provided evidence of hot spots and persistent problems in Horbury & South Ossett. Alison was provided with local information and has promised to discuss with police commanders on the ground and come back to me in the near future.

On Friday afternoon the Horbury, Sitlington and Ossett Royal British Legion paid a great tribute to one of their members. Mr John Hirst, who celebrated his 100th birthday earlier in the year. The Mayor of Wakefield, our friend Cllr Tracey Austin, unveiled the bench in John’s name. John was born and bred in Horbury and a well-known and much-loved gentleman of Horbury.

John’s bench is located in our Memorial Gardens and was funded by Horbury Common Land Trust and installed by Wakefield Council.

Now speaking of the Mayor of Wakefield and mace barer, they paid another visit to Horbury on Thursday of this week. She was the guest of the Senior Citizens’ Support Group at their Neil Diamond afternoon.

Mayor Tracey joined me along with nearly 200 SCSG members and had a great afternoon, singing and dancing to the hits of Neil Diamond performed by a great tribute act at Horbury WMC.

This is the 5th time that the Mayor has visited Horbury and South Ossett in the last two months. She enjoy her visits so much that the Mace Barer is thinking of moving here as he enjoys their visits so much!

Wednesday was the Annual General Meeting of the Senior Citizens’ Support Group. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend due to a cabinet role commitment, more on that later. I am pleased that I was re-elected as a trustee to SCSG, and I will commit to try harder to attend their meetings!

On Wednesday morning I was at an event at the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield. This was a free session held by the Council for local businesses. The theme of the session was Equality, attended by some 40 people.

I introduced the session and welcomed the guest speaker – an American guy who currently lives in Leeds. He is a 3 times Grammy Award winner and the chair of Black Lives Matter here in Yorkshire – Aaron Casserly Stewart.

His speech was truly inspirational and gave details of his youth in small town Kansas, his music achievements and the reasons he moved to the UK. Listening to the differences between racism in the USA versus the UK, were very sobering. We may have come a long way, but we have many more miles to go to reach the finishing line!

No bacon sandwich to report this week. I was looking for lunch on Friday and called into Flamingo’s Teapot café for a bowl of soup, well it was a cold day.

Asking what the soup of the day was, Hannah the owner informed me it was ‘intestine soup’, then she burst out laughing. For her Hallowe’en theme she had created French onion soup with added onions, to look like a bowl of something spooky!

The soup was amazing, so much so, I went back on Saturday for another bowl.

With so many great cafes, restaurants and bars in Horbury and Ossett, why would you go anywhere else?

On Thursday morning I donated and delivered 30 pumpkins to Horbury Library. This is the 3rd year that we have worked together for this Hallowe’en event.

Pumpkins can be collected and carved by children, with adult supervision. Once your creation is complete, return to Horbury Library before 11am next Saturday, so they can be entered into the competition for best carved pumpkins.

The pumpkins are free of charge and the competition will be judged at 12 noon on that date.

There will be 2 age groups. Under 6 years of age and 7 to 11 years old. A first and second prize in each age group of a £10 and £5 book token for use in Darling Reads on Horbury High Street will be given.

The Horbury Christmas Lights Switch on is now confirmed for Friday 26th November on the Methodist Church car park.

Times are still to be confirmed by I am assured by the elves at Santa’s head office that he will be there, along with donkey rides and a free selection box for each child under 11 years old who attends.

The event is a joint venture between me and the Methodist Church who will be holding their Christmas Fayre on the Friday evening – fun for the whole family, including hot food, inside the church hall.

We are grateful to the Horbury Common Land Trust and UNITE the union for providing funding for the switch on event.

I am told that the Ossett Christmas Lights Switch on will take place on Saturday 27th November as part of their usual Christmas activities. More information to follow over the next few weeks.

On Saturday morning I was guest helper at the Methodist Church coffee morning. A great opportunity to meet with local residents and give something back to the community.

Whilst there, two of the Council’s Community Ambassadors called in for a warming cup of coffee and to meet with residents.

Their role is to meet with local residents and businesses, to provide support and help in relation to the COVID pandemic.

As I am sure you are aware cases of COVID infection are rising across the whole country, with cases in Wakefield nearing record levels. The support of the Community Ambassadors is vital as we all try to tackle the problems being caused as we run up to the festive period. Let’s remember to stay safe out there - hands, face and give space.

Finally, I’d like to say well done to Katy the owner of ‘My Eco Baby’ shop in Wakefield. Katy is a Horbury resident and now the winner of a Wakefield BID award for her business.

Please keep safe and take care in these difficult times and if you need help, give me a shout!














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